
How to do Affiliate Marketing and Google AdWords 16 Points

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Updated on the 06 July 2024

welcome-hand-shake Affiliate Marketing

Using Google Ads to Increase Affiliate Marketing Performance

Welcome to my website. I am glad that you have found me in the wide world of Google.

Affiliate marketing and Google AdWords are powerful tools for driving online revenue and traffic.

Explore 17 key points to master affiliate program selection and optimize AdWords for maximum impact.

This article offers practical insights and instructions to enhance success in affiliate marketing for beginners and experienced marketers alike.

Dive in to learn how to effectively combine these two potent marketing methods and achieve your business goals.

How to do Affiliate Marketing

Is it permissible to use Google Ads for Affiliate Marketing?

Google Logo on shop window

First, clear up a common misunderstanding: using Google Ads as an affiliate marketer is not permitted.

Neither advertisers nor affiliate marketers may utilize Google Ads to re-engage consumers.

Affiliate Marketers have certain limits, but these are established by advertisers and affiliate networks, not Google.

Make sure you read the Affiliates’ SEA and PPC rules or contact your stores directly to clarify.

However, you may still utilize keywords related to goods, services, or your brand.

A better-targeted…

A better-targeted sponsored advertisement generates more hits, translating to more prospective buyers.

This effectiveness is a key reason why Google ads have become increasingly popular among small and medium-sized businesses.

By precisely targeting specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, Google Ads allow businesses to reach their ideal audience, maximizing their return on investment.

The ability to track and analyze performance metrics further enhances the appeal, providing valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Now, let us consider how integrating Google Ads with affiliate marketing can amplify your reach and drive even more significant results.

What is meant by Google Ads, and how does it work?


The Google Ads platform is a pay-per-click (PPC) marketing channel where advertisers pay for ad impressions or clicks, enabling them to reach a highly targeted audience effectively.

To attract qualified visitors or customers seeking comparable products and services, utilize Google Ads to create tailored campaigns that meet your business goals.

By using this platform, you can reach more customers actively seeking your offerings, driving traffic, inquiries, and in-store visits.

Customize and schedule ads for mobile and desktop to maximize reach and engagement, targeting the right audience at the right time.

When potential customers use Google Search or Google Maps to find products or services similar to yours, your ads will appear, guiding them to your business.

This precise targeting and timely exposure make Google Ads an invaluable tool for businesses looking to expand their customer base and enhance their online visibility.

YouTube, Blogger…

How to do Affiliate Marketing YouTube

The platform’s ads appear on YouTube, Blogger, and the Google Display Network, significantly expanding your reach across various popular sites and platforms.

This extensive network ensures that your advertisements are not limited to Google Search but are also visible in other high-traffic areas where potential customers spend their time.

With AdWords, you can analyze and enhance your campaigns through detailed performance metrics and insights.

These analytics enable you to fine-tune your strategies, optimize ad spend, and improve targeting to reach more people and achieve your business objectives.

By continuously monitoring and adjusting your campaigns, you can maximize your marketing efforts and drive better results.

Now for the tougher question:

Do Google Ads Work?

Now for the tougher question: Do Google Ads work? The answer largely depends on how effectively you utilize the platform.

Google Ads can be incredibly effective when used strategically, allowing businesses to reach a vast audience and drive targeted traffic.

The success of Google Ads campaigns hinges on several factors, including keyword selection, ad quality, and audience targeting.

By selecting keywords, crafting compelling ad copy, and targeting the right audience, you can reach potential customers actively seeking your products or services.

Additionally, the ability to track and analyze performance metrics helps in optimizing campaigns for better results over time.

Businesses that continually refine their strategies based on these insights tend to see significant returns on their investments.

However, it’s important to note that Google Ads is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it requires ongoing management and adjustments to stay effective.

Properly managed Google Ads campaigns can drive substantial traffic, increase conversions, and ultimately contribute to business growth.

Therefore, while the effectiveness of Google Ads can vary, with the right approach and consistent optimization, they can indeed be a powerful tool for achieving your marketing goals.

Let’s look at some figures to find out:

  • The click-through rate for Google Ads is more than 8 percent.
  • Ads produce 180 million impressions each month.
  • Paid advertising on Google gets 65% of clicks from buyers.
  • Customers who saw an advertisement on YouTube are 43% more likely to purchase the product.

What is the need for advertising on Google?

Google approval Logo

Advertising on Google is essential for several reasons, primarily due to the platform’s unparalleled reach and precision targeting capabilities.

Google processes billions of search queries daily, making it the most widely used search engine in the world.

This vast user base provides businesses with an unprecedented opportunity to reach potential customers exactly when they are searching for related products or services.

Google Ads provides advanced targeting options like specifying demographics, locations, languages, devices, and preferred ad display times.

By displaying advertising to the most relevant audience, this accuracy increases the chance of engagement and conversion.

Google Ads offers detailed analytics for businesses to track performance, measure campaign effectiveness, and make data-driven decisions to optimize advertising strategies.

In today’s digital landscape, a strong Google presence is vital for visibility, brand awareness, and traffic, making Google advertising essential for a marketing strategy.

Google Ads…

Google Ads has been running for over two decades, giving them a significant head start on the competition.

This longevity has allowed Google to continuously refine and enhance its advertising platform, making it one of the most robust and effective tools available for marketers.

Google is used by people all over the globe to search for information, products, and services, making it an invaluable resource for reaching a diverse and extensive audience.

According to Google, marketers typically see a substantial return on their investment, with the platform delivering $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on ads.

This impressive ROI demonstrates the platform’s efficacy and provides a strong incentive for businesses to invest in Google advertising.

Businesses can now fine-tune campaigns with improved targeting, analytics, and ad formats to achieve specific goals like boosting sales, generating leads, or increasing website traffic.

Google’s wide accessibility boosts advertising outreach, making Google Ads ideal for businesses enhancing digital strategies.

Do you require further justification?

Facebook Ads

Thousands of marketing companies are leveraging Google Ads to support and grow their businesses, often gaining command of your branded keywords and conditions.

This widespread adoption underscores the platform’s effectiveness in driving targeted traffic and generating leads.

Although your website ranks organically for a keyword, competitors using Google Ads can push your listing further down the page, potentially reducing your visibility and click-through rates.

The competitive landscape of PPC advertising is fierce, with Google Ads being a critical tool for staying ahead.

Although Facebook Ads are an option, Google Ads’ wide reach and strengths are essential for businesses to enhance their online presence and market share.

1. Apply a PPC organizing template

Applying a PPC organizing template is an essential strategy for effectively managing your pay-per-click campaigns.

Using a planner helps you keep track of all your PPC efforts in one place, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

It allows you to preview your advertisements online before they go live, ensuring they look and perform as expected.

Additionally, the PPC template helps you manage word counts, ensuring your ad copy is concise and impactful while adhering to platform guidelines.

By using a template for your campaigns, you can streamline workflow, track metrics effectively, and optimize ad spending for maximum ROI.

2. Eliminate broad keyword terms


To nail keywords, testing, and refining should be part of your strategy.

Too broad keywords result in fewer hits and more significant ad expenditure.

Examine what’s working (i.e., which keywords produce clicks) and tweak your advertising to better fit your target audience.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to obtain the mixture.

One must continue adding, eliminating, and adjusting keywords; you’ll get it correctly the first time.

Review the keyword techniques we discuss below as a starting point.

3. “Boost Clicks with Ads That Match Searcher Intent”

win a bid

Your headline and ad content must match your bidding keywords to win a bid.

That mixture will give you the desired outcomes, which might be as simple as a few modifications.

You may create many advertisements for each campaign and assess which performs best.

Alternatively, utilize Google’s Responsive Search.

Advertisements are included.

Check out our best ad copy practices.

4. Boost your Quality Rating:

Boosting your Quality Score (QS) is crucial for achieving better ad placement in search results, which directly affects the visibility and effectiveness of your campaigns.

Google uses a number called the Quality Score to evaluate the relevancy and caliber of your landing pages, keywords, and advertisements.

Higher ad positions and cheaper click-through rates can result from a higher quality score.

Key factors for your QS are CTR, keyword relevance, ad text quality, and landing page user experience.

Poor-quality ads, which have low relevance or fail to engage users, tend to receive fewer views and conversions, ultimately diminishing the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

Google provides feedback on your quality score, allowing you to identify areas for improvement.

Focus on creating relevant, high-quality ads and optimizing landing pages to enhance quality scores, boost ad performance, and achieve better PPC results.

5. Improve your ad Landing Page:

The client experience after a click is equally vital as advertising.

  • When a person clicks on your ad, what is the first thing they see?
  • Ensure that you’re landing page is optimized for conversions, which means using the right keywords.
  • Is the website addressing your user’s problem or providing an answer to their query?

Ensure the user’s journey from the landing page until the conversion is seamless.

Ad Campaigns…

Ad Campaigns

Focus on creating relevant, high-quality ads and optimizing landing pages to enhance quality score, boost ad performance, and achieve better PPC results.

Quality Score, for instance, assesses the relevance and quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages, influencing your ad’s position and cost.

Ad rank determines your ad’s placement based on your bid, quality score, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats.

CPC refers to the amount you pay for each click on your ad, a critical metric for budgeting and ROI analysis.

CTR measures the percentage of users who click on your ad after seeing it, indicating how compelling your ad copy and creatives are.

The conversion rate tracks people who click on your ad and complete an action, showing the effectiveness of your landing page and campaign.

By mastering key terms, you can refine ad campaigns for relevance, cost-effectiveness, and desired outcomes.

6. Ad rank:


Your Ad Rank will determine where your ads appear on the search engine results page, directly impacting their visibility and potential success.

A higher Ad Rank ensures that your ads are placed in more prominent positions, drawing greater attention and increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Google calculates your Ad Rank by multiplying your maximum bid with your quality score, which assesses the relevance of your landing pages, keywords, and ads.

Enhancing Ad Rank can secure top search result positions, boosting visibility and increasing click-through rates.

To optimize your Ad Rank, focus on both competitive bidding and improving your Quality Score through relevant keywords, compelling ad copy, and high-quality landing pages.

7. Bidding on Google Ads

Bidding on Google Ads is a crucial component of managing a successful ad campaign, as it determines how much you are willing to pay for a click on your ad.

Google Ads bidding operates on a maximum bid amount system, meaning you set the highest amount you are prepared to pay for a single click on your ad.

Increasing your bid boosts the chance of winning ad placement, leading to top search result positions for your ad.

The most common is Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bidding, where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.

This method is ideal for driving traffic to your website. Another option is Cost-Per-Thousand impressions (CPM) bidding, where you pay for every thousand impressions your ad receives.

CPM is typically used for brand awareness campaigns where visibility rather than direct clicks is the primary objective.

In Cost-Per-Engagement (CPE) bidding, you pay when users interact with your ad by watching a video or engaging with rich media.

Your campaign’s objectives will determine which bidding technique is best.

For example, CPC is suitable for conversion-focused campaigns, while CPM might be better for increasing brand visibility.

Google Ads uses machine learning for automated bidding strategies to optimize bids based on campaign goals like maximizing clicks, ROAS targeting, or maximizing conversions.

When creating a Google Ads campaign, choose search, display, or video campaigns based on marketing goals and target audiences.

Search campaigns place your ads on Google’s search results when users search related keywords, driving traffic and boosting sales.

Display campaigns reach users on a vast network of websites, apps, and Google properties for brand awareness and retargeting previous website visitors.

Video campaigns on YouTube and Google Display Network are powerful tools for engaging audiences with visual and auditory content, ideal for storytelling and emotional connections.

Choosing the right campaign type depends on your marketing goals and the audience you wish to target.

Choose the right campaign type, align strategy with objectives, maximize Google Ads effectiveness, and achieve desired outcomes.

8. The CTR (Click-Through-Rate) (CTR):


The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a crucial metric in evaluating the performance of your Google Ads campaigns.

It represents the frequency at which users click on your ad compared to the total number of views or impressions the ad receives.

Specifically, CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Your CTR would be 5%, for instance, if your advertisement had five clicks out of every 100 impressions.

A higher CTR indicates that your ad is resonating well with the audience, suggesting that it is both relevant and engaging.

This is often a sign that your ad copy is compelling and that you are effectively targeting keyword phrases that match the search queries of your potential customers.

High CTRs are beneficial not only because they drive more traffic to your website but also because they positively impact your Quality Score.

Google uses CTR as a key component in its Quality Score algorithm, which affects your ad placement and the cost-per-click (CPC).

Ads with higher CTRs are seen as more relevant and are often rewarded with lower CPCs and better ad positions.

To improve your CTR, focus on creating highly relevant ads that closely match the intent behind the keywords you are targeting.

Use strong, action-oriented language in your ad copy and ensure your headlines and descriptions address the searcher’s needs or pain points.

Additionally, incorporating ad extensions, such as site links, callouts, and structured snippets, can enhance your ad’s visibility and appeal, further encouraging clicks.

By continuously optimizing your ads and refining your keyword strategy, you can achieve a higher CTR, leading to more effective and efficient Google Ads campaigns.

9. Conversion Rate (CVR):


Conversion rate (CVR) is a vital metric that measures the effectiveness of your landing page in turning visitors into leads or customers.

It is calculated by dividing the number of form submissions or desired actions taken by the total number of website visits, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Essentially, CVR indicates how well your landing page fulfills the promise made in your ad.

A high CVR suggests that your landing page is successfully convincing visitors to complete the intended action, whether it’s filling out a form, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter.

This implies that your landing page is well-designed, user-friendly, and effectively aligned with the expectations set by your ad.

To achieve a high CVR, ensure that your landing page is relevant to your ad content, provides clear and compelling calls to action, and delivers a seamless user experience.

Regularly testing and refining components like headlines and images can boost CVR, leading to increased conversions and better marketing campaign performance.

What Are They and How Do They Work?

  • Display
  • Video
  • App
  • Shopping

On Google Ads, you can choose from five different campaign types.

Let’s look at the best usage and why you might choose one over the other.

Ads appear as text on Google results pages. For “ladies’ bag,” for example, sponsored results include:

Using search ads has the benefit of being where most people go for information first: on Google.

10. “Ad” Label

Except for the “Ad” label, customers are accustomed to seeing and clicking on ads, often without distinguishing them from organic search results.

This familiarity can work to your advantage, particularly with Google’s responsive search ads, which offer a dynamic and flexible approach to adding content.

Responsive search ads enable the input of various headlines and ad copies for Google’s algorithm to create the best combinations.

In contrast, traditional static ads require you to create fixed versions of your ad where the same headlines and descriptions are used consistently.

While this approach ensures message consistency, it lacks the responsiveness to adapt to different search contexts.

To optimize traditional static ads, ensure that your headlines and descriptions are compelling and closely aligned with your target keywords.

This will help maintain relevance and improve click-through rates.

Utilizing responsive and static ads effectively improves campaign reach, engagement, and drives desired marketing results.

11. Dynamic Advertising

Dynamic Advertising

Dynamic advertising enables you to create automatically tested ads until one is found to be the most effective.

A collection of websites from various businesses and demographics consented to show Google Ads.

The website owner gains since they get paid per click or impression.

Marketers profit from getting their information in front of consumers like their personas.

These are usually pictured advertising that diverts the user’s attention away from the website’s content:

12. These are skin repair image ads

These are skin repair image ads that strategically appear before, after, and even during YouTube videos, capitalizing on the platform’s immense reach and engagement.

With YouTube as the second-largest search engine, it offers a potent platform for ads, connecting you with a large, engaged audience.

This method captures the user’s attention at various touchpoints within their viewing experience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and brand recall.

You can use various ad formats on YouTube to maximize your impact.

Pre-roll ads appear before the video content starts, mid-roll ads are shown during longer videos, and post-roll ads appear after the video ends.

Each format offers unique advantages, such as the high visibility of pre-roll ads and the less intrusive nature of mid-roll and post-roll ads.

Additionally, using compelling visuals and messages in your skin repair image ads can drive interest and encourage viewers to click through to learn more about your products.

Strategically place ads with keywords on YouTube to capture customer attention and drive conversions, making it essential for digital advertising.

13. Google App Campaigns


Google App Campaigns promote mobile apps on Google platforms like Search Network, YouTube, Play, and Display Network.

These campaigns are particularly effective for driving app downloads and encouraging specific actions within the app, such as in-app purchases or engagement with particular features.

To set up a Google App Campaign, you don’t need to create individual ads as you would with other ad formats.

Instead, you provide Google with information about your app, such as its title, description, and target audience.

You also supply Google with assets like text, images, and videos that can be used in various ad combinations.

After defining your target market and setting your bid, Google uses machine learning algorithms to automatically create and optimize ads across its networks.

This ensures your app is seen by the most relevant audience at the most opportune times.

Google’s automation handles the ad placements, adjusts bids, and tests different ad combinations to determine which versions perform best.

This optimization process helps to maximize the visibility and effectiveness of your campaign.

Once the initial parameters are set, Google App Campaigns automate the process of refining and enhancing your campaign to achieve optimal results for app installs or user engagement.

14. Shopping Advertisement Campaigns

Shopping Advertisement Campaigns

Google Shopping Ad Campaigns are another Google Ad.

In addition to product data, eCommerce campaigns involve pricing and visual data.

You may create a Shopping campaign using Google Commerce Centre, which enables you to add detailed product details.

Online Shopping sites will enable you to advertise particular products or product lines instead of your entire brand.

Whenever you search for a product on Google, advertisements for several brands appear at the top and side of the page.

When I Google “tie knot,” this is what I get.

The top ad is Google Search, while the side ads are Google Shopping ads for “tie knot.”

15. Additional Google Ads Optimization Tools

Your ad copy and headline are crucial, but they are not the only factors that impact the performance of your sponsored campaign.

While getting a user to click on your ad is an important first step, the journey doesn’t end there.

To maximize conversions, guide users through a funnel with a conversion-optimized landing page and a clear thank-you page.

A conversion-optimized landing page is specifically designed to encourage visitors to take a desired action, whether it’s filling out a form, making a purchase, or subscribing to a service.

This involves using compelling headlines, persuasive copy, and strategic layouts to ensure that visitors find what they are looking for and are motivated to convert.

Utilizing Landing Page Best Practices can help you design such a page, focusing on elements like clear calls-to-action (CTAs), minimal distractions, fast load times, and mobile responsiveness.

Once the conversion is complete, directing users to a thank-you page is a crucial step.

This page should confirm the action and include the next steps like downloading resources, following social media, or exploring related offers.

By leveraging additional resources and strategies, you can improve the user experience across all stages of Google Ads campaigns, boosting success rates.

16. Optimized “Thank You” Pages

Thank You' Pages

Optimized “Thank You” pages play a crucial role in demonstrating how to proceed after a user has completed a conversion action on your site.

These pages do more than just acknowledge the submission or purchase; they guide the user on the next steps to retain their interest and keep them engaged with your brand.

A well-designed Thank You page can suggest further actions, such as exploring related products or services, signing up for a newsletter, or following your social media channels.

This keeps your new lead on your site engaged, thereby increasing the likelihood of future interactions and conversions.

To retain your new lead’s attention, your Thank You page should include personalized messages that reinforce the value of their action.

Sending a thank-you message with recommendations for related content can show appreciation and boost engagement after a purchase or registration.

Additionally, providing exclusive offers or downloadable content, like an eBook or a special discount code, can incentivize them to stay connected with your brand.

Mobile Help Google AdWords offers comprehensive guidance on optimizing advertisements for both desktop and mobile platforms.

Given the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s critical to ensure that your ads are effectively designed for smaller screens and varying user behaviors.

Creating responsive ad designs that adapt to varying screen sizes, using mobile-specific formats like click-to-call buttons, and ensuring fast load times are key to mobile optimization.

Following these practices enhances mobile user experience, boosting engagement and Google Ads campaign performance.

Wealthy Affiliate Opportunity


The Wealthy Affiliate opportunity presents a lucrative chance to earn commissions through its comprehensive affiliate marketing platform.

By joining Wealthy Affiliate, you gain access to a range of benefits designed to support your online business endeavors.

These include free WordPress hosting, which eliminates the need for additional hosting fees, and free domain name registration, making it easy and cost-effective to establish your online presence.

Additionally, Wealthy Affiliate provides basic training to help you get started, covering essential topics in affiliate marketing and website management.

This training ensures that even beginners can navigate the platform and begin their journey without any prior experience.

One of the most attractive aspects of Wealthy Affiliate is that there is no need to use a credit card to access its features.

You can explore the platform and its opportunities without any financial commitment, as the initial expense of checking out Wealthy Affiliate will not be levied against you in any way.

This risk-free approach allows you to evaluate the potential of Wealthy Affiliate and decide if it aligns with your goals before making any financial investments.

Affiliate Marketing


  1. Low Startup Costs: You can start affiliate marketing with minimal investment, often just needing a website or blog.
  2. Passive Income Potential: Once set up, affiliate marketing can generate passive income with little ongoing effort.
  3. Flexibility: You can promote a wide range of products and services, choosing those that best fit your niche.
  4. No Product Handling: You don’t need to manage inventory, shipping, or customer service.
  5. Performance-Based Rewards: Earnings are directly tied to the sales and conversions you drive, incentivizing effective promotion.


  1. Competition: Many niches are highly competitive, making it difficult to stand out.
  2. Dependence on Merchant Policies: Changes in affiliate programs or commission rates can impact your income.
  3. Time-Consuming: Building a successful affiliate site and audience takes time and effort.
  4. Income Fluctuations: Earnings can be inconsistent and depend on market trends and consumer behavior.
  5. Limited Control: You rely on the merchant for product quality, availability, and customer satisfaction.

Google AdWords


  1. Targeted Advertising: Google AdWords allows you to target specific demographics, locations, and interests, ensuring your ads reach the right audience.
  2. Measurable Results: Detailed analytics help you track the performance of your ads and optimize your campaigns.
  3. Fast Results: Unlike organic SEO, Google AdWords can drive traffic to your site quickly.
  4. Flexible Budgeting: You can set your budget and adjust it as needed, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.
  5. Enhanced Visibility: Google AdWords can help your website appear at the top of search results, increasing visibility and clicks.


  1. Cost: Clicks can be expensive, especially in competitive industries, leading to high advertising costs.
  2. Complexity: Setting up and managing effective campaigns requires knowledge and experience, which can be overwhelming for beginners.
  3. Ad Blindness: Users may ignore paid ads, focusing on organic results instead.
  4. Click Fraud: Competitors or malicious users can click on your ads to drain your budget without any intention of buying.
  5. Temporary Results: Once you stop paying for ads, the traffic stops, unlike organic SEO which can provide long-term benefits.

These points should give you a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of both affiliate marketing and Google AdWords.


Q. Is There a Way to Find Out Who Created Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, there is – read below who they are.

Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim are the company’s original founders.

Both of them were born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia.

In 2005, Kyle and Carson established WA to teach others to create a profitable Internet company

Q. When I upgrade to a premium account, can I downgrade to an accessible version anytime?

No, it won’t work. However, you can always revoke your membership if you change your mind.

Your website migration to a new host is time-limited to 30 days.

Q. Make Money How Long does it take?

It isn’t very easy. No rules apply.

Some make money after two months, others after a year or more. Variables determine it.

Your niche? Is your market competitive? Do you post frequently?

Your internet business takes how much time? (these considerations)

You can succeed if you follow the program, apply what you learned, and are consistent.

WA is not for quick riches!

It’s for hard workers, resilient people, and long-term company builders.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program?

They pay the most significant commissions.

Free and Premium members can advertise WA for recurring commissions.

However, premium members receive 50% more.

Q. How should I contact Wealthy Affiliate?

A contact form on the site may be used for general questions and billing issues. General Enquiries

Q. Can I use Google Ads to promote affiliate products?

Affiliate marketers may and should utilize Google Ads even though Google Ads has ad regulations that everyone must follow to encourage people to re-engage with their content.

Q. Does Google Ads block affiliate links?

Google Ads is a famous online advertising network. Businesses and people advertise using it.

Many individuals are unaware that Google Ads bans affiliate connections. Affiliate marketers must be aware of this guideline to avoid ad blocking.

Google Ads for Affiliate Marketing?

Ads should not directly connect affiliate URLs as landing pages. Google Ads can boost affiliate marketers’ businesses but must follow several restrictions.


Begin your campaign today

A sponsored campaign should include Google Ads because of its reach and authority.

Please start with our suggestions, and remember to improve and iterate as you go.

No Google Ads campaign fails, simply those demanding more care.

You have everything you need to create a successful Google Ad campaign that produces clicks and leads.

Please make the most of our Google Ads expenditure to maximize our return on investment.

Excellent Google Ads Examples That Attract provides successful examples of Google advertising campaigns.

I hope How to Do Affiliate Marketing and Google AdWords 16 Points was helpful.

Thank you for reading, and we hope you find the insights valuable and thought-provoking.

I would much appreciate it if you could kindly leave your comments and questions below.

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Till The Next Time




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  1. Hi, Elke, thank you for making a point on Google Ads, and how one can run a successful Ads campaign using Google Ads. You have ably shown why google? It is the most used search engine as judged by its reach [all over the world] and authority [People trust it]. Thank you for the 17 points that explain the “who, what, and how” to place, optimize, and run a successful Ad campaign using Google Ads. I have no doubt that when a business/merchant/advertiser follows these guidelines, the outcome will be great. Once again, Elke, thank you very much for this post.

    1. Thank you, Hawumba, for your comment,

      I am glad that you liked my article it is always nice. I use Google Ads myself and do make money. I did research to find the most relevant points about Google Ads.

      I am glad that I can help others to run Google Ads to their advantage. 

      All the best, ad thanks again
